Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Adam’s Rib

Adam’s Rib had a different plot then the rest of the movies we have seen. This movie was different in several of ways. The married couple had a stable life; both had jobs and owned an apartment together. Their life (marriage) felt more realistic then relationships portrayed in the other movies we’ve watched. The biggest difference that I saw in this movie was the idea of equality. This was the first movie that addressed the notion of equality between men and women. It not only addressed the issue, but also made it the focal point of the movie. The story line was centered on a trial where the defense lawyer used equality for women as their argument. The movie was filled with symbolism which pointed to the subject of equality. The movie raised the question of whether or not men and women can be truly equal. The symbolism used to portray equality was plentiful. It starts with the main characters happily married and sharing the same career. They were both successful lawyers. More subtle symbols were the fact that they both had the same nickname, “pinky.” This showed oneness and equality between the two. Another symbol of equality seen within this movie was the make-up of their bedroom. If split in half, one side would be the mirror image of the other. There were two beds, two closets, and two bathrooms. Again this symbolized the equality between the two characters. Amanda and Adam had made the decision to make up their own rules regarding their marriage and not follow society’s norms. They not only respected each other but their marriage was balanced and based on sharing everything. An interesting scene that questions the rules that society makes between men and women is at the very beginning of the movie. Amanda is in her office with her assistant discussing the morning headlines, which were about a woman who shot her husband due to his adultery. This led to Amanda asking the question, when a man has an affair, what do you think of the man? The assistant replied, “he is not so nice.” Amanda then asked what do you think of a woman who has an affair? The assistant replied, “its terrible.” Amanda questions why the difference of opinion between men and women. The assistant answered, “I don’t know, it’s just the rules.” Amanda points out the fact that we, “society”, makes the rules. This exchange is one of several conversations that raise the question of why society has decided that men and women aren’t equal and could they be wrong. Another scene that raises this question was when Adam cried. Earlier in the movie Amanda and Adam were fighting and she began to cry. Adam responded that he hates it when she cries because he gives into her. He implies that her tears are just a ploy to get what she wants and are not real emotions. Later, Adam uses tears to get what he wanted and then after revealed to Amanda that he faked his tears to get what he wanted. Thus questioning the social norm that says women are more emotional than men and use that to get their way and that men are not supposed to cry or show emotion. Although Amanda wins the case and therefore proves to the court that women deserve equality, she learns through her separation with Adam that the issue of equality is not black and white or as simple as she thought it was.

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